Alex Hay

online lawyer

2 min read

7 Important Data Security Practices for Law Firms

Each year, law firms have emails, passwords, and other personal data stolen through third-party websites like Dropbox and LinkedIn. This stolen information can be exploited by hackers to access sensitive materials, hold accounts for a ransom, and...

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online student

3 min read

5 Tips for Teaching K-12 Students About Online Privacy and Security

Cybersecurity issues are becoming increasingly prevalent and can affect an individual or even an entire region. However, there is still a shortage of...

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university board of trustees

6 min read

The Best Online Meeting Options for a University's Board of Trustees

Now more than ever, universities are looking at solutions that will make communications like their board of trustees meetings more efficient and...

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union management software

3 min read

What's the Best Union Management Software? Try These 5 Providers

Union management software streamlines union activity and communications for union members and officers. Effective union management software enables...

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law firm leadership and management

2 min read

5 Characteristics of Good Law Firm Management and Leadership

Contrary to the beliefs of some people, law firms are not immune to common hardships faced by traditional businesses--staff reductions, lost deals,...

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school voting

5 min read

Voting Software for Schools: Here are Your Options

Whether it's voting for a major event like student council president or just a simple student poll about their favorite book - an online voting tool...

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school vote

2 min read

12 Creative Ways Use Voting in Schools

Teaching students about the voting process and the value of elections not only encourages them to make their voices heard but also inspires them to...

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anonymous voting concerns

2 min read

4 Myths You May Still Believe About Anonymous Voting

The concept of anonymous voting or secret ballots may not be new, but some people still have preconceptions about the validity of this kind of vote....

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meeting minutes

3 min read

How to Run a Successful Board Meeting: Free Organization Template

As commonplace as it is to take the notes (or minutes) of a board of directors meeting, it may surprise you to learn that these groups are not...

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online event management software

3 min read

Who Has the Best Online Event Management Software? Try These 5 Providers

No matter whether you're planning an event for five participants or 5000, there is a lot of planning and strategy that must go on behind the scenes...

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