Alex Hay

prepare for online voting

1 min read

How to Prepare Your Organization for Online Voting

There is a lot involved in making decisions that will affect organizations. From organizing the people and resources required for a vote to educating them about your upcoming decision, you want to be sure that you’re covering all of the bases needed...

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google drive

3 min read

How to Completely Integrate Google Drive Into Your Life

With 800 million users worldwide, chances are high that you’ve used or are actively using Google Drive at some point in the past several years....

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board of directors

2 min read

3 Tips for Running a Board of Directors Election

The nomination and evaluation of quality candidates for a board of directors can be an intensive yet vital process for many organizations. Board...

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2 min read

How to Improve Employee Satisfaction and Feedback with Online Voting

Increasing employee engagement in the workplace can present its own set of challenges. Employers need to ensure that employees are satisfied with the...

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6 min read

Are You Using the Right Word Processor?

Have you wondered what the differences are between Google Docs and Microsoft Word? While both word processors may look similar on the surface, they...

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2 min read

3 Questions to Ask When Deciding the Time Frame of Your Vote

One of the biggest misconceptions that people have about online voting, and voting in general, is that big decisions need to be made all at once....

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2 min read

What is a Caucus? 3 Facts You May Not Know About Them

As the United States’ presidential primary races get into full swing, candidates are acutely aware that an early lead can snowball into greater...

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