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5 min read

How to Stand Out With a Candidate Statement

Whether you are running for student government, political office, academic roles, board of directors, or for a partner in a professional...

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2 min read

Run an Anonymous (Secret) Vote in Just 5 Easy Steps

Anonymous votes are perfect for times when you need to run a vote where who voted for what needs to remain secret. An online voting software helps...

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online conference

2 min read

How to Change Your Bylaws to Permit Online Voting

Online voting is useful for a variety of reasons, but perhaps its most universally accepted benefit is its convenience. Wouldn’t it be great to have...

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law firm leadership and management

2 min read

5 Characteristics of Good Law Firm Management and Leadership

Contrary to the beliefs of some people, law firms are not immune to common hardships faced by traditional businesses--staff reductions, lost deals,...

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church election

4 min read

The Do's and Don'ts of Church Leadership Elections

Successful elections rely on careful planning and flawless implementation. Not only must the election administrator set up the ballot correctly and...

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4 min read

5 Tips For Collaborating Across Teams When You Have Different Goals

The choice to improve cross team collaboration at your company is a no-brainer. After all, uniting experts from a variety of teams and departments in...

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2 min read

How Voting Platforms Improve Team Productivity & Decision Making

Collaboration is a main facet of the modern workplace, as more departments need cross-functionality to help improve goals and reach new business...

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2 min read

The Secret to More Productive Employees Isn’t More Money

Seven ways to boost employee morale in the workplace

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