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5 min read

Running Your Prom King, Queen And Sovereign Election. (+ Free Checklist!)

Spring is very exciting for a lot of reasons, but for many high school juniors and seniors, it signals the end of the year where they advance to...

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2 min read

Prom Elections & Digital Democracy: Shaping Tomorrow's Voters

As we reach the second half of the school year, prom season approaches! This event brings more than just excitement of dances and celebrations for...

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4 min read

How to Keep Your Students Engaged

Most high school students want to do their best, but sometimes wanting to succeed isn’t enough.

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online student

3 min read

5 Tips for Teaching K-12 Students About Online Privacy and Security

Cybersecurity issues are becoming increasingly prevalent and can affect an individual or even an entire region. However, there is still a shortage of...

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school voting

5 min read

Voting Software for Schools: Here are Your Options

Whether it's voting for a major event like student council president or just a simple student poll about their favorite book - an online voting tool...

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school vote

2 min read

12 Creative Ways Use Voting in Schools

Teaching students about the voting process and the value of elections not only encourages them to make their voices heard but also inspires them to...

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2 min read

The Best Classroom Tech - According to Teachers

According to an ed tech survey conducted by The Journal, teachers indicated that technology has had a positive impact on education. Interestingly...

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school board meeting

4 min read

How to Run Better School Board Meetings

A school board meeting that has no direction can be unproductive and unnecessarily time-consuming – especially when the meeting is after hours for...

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school board electronic voting

3 min read

Four Ways Your School District Elections Can Boost Voter Engagement

School board elections are known for having low turnout, but this interactive education tool could help parents and voters better understand the...

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3 min read

Online Voting Encourages Your Students to Get Involved

Student government elections hold a special place in the educational experience of many young people, starting from their first attempts at class...

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