1 min read

Why Vote? 3 Reasons Why Voting Matters

Why Vote? 3 Reasons Why Voting Matters

The act of voting is such an integral part of our society that it is easy to overlook how frequently we do it, and why. Political elections -- our first as adults or citizens -- are usually the first association. Yet, elections happen everywhere.

Lest we take the act of voting for granted, here are some reminders why we vote in other areas of our life, too.

Voting facilitates change. Voting can be applied in any decision making situation. Whether you want to elect a member to the student government or board of trustees, all voting stems from a collective desire to share opinions. Every vote determines the ultimate decision.

Voting amplifies every voice. Voting provides a space for people to express themselves without pressure or influence. This solitary act empowers an individual. In free societies the act of voting gives agency to everyone regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or social class. With voting, every voice and every vote counts.

Voting provides a structured process. Simply posing a question to a group of people could be satisfactory, but compared to a formal vote there is a lack of organization and accountability. Voting with ballots provides a streamlined, structured way of eliciting opinions and tabulating results. What's more, these results can always be used as a reference to guide future discussions and votes.

Eballot is the perfect platform to host your next vote. Sign up, look around, and consider what impactful change you’d like to make in your organization.


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