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How to Prepare Your Organization for Online Voting

How to Prepare Your Organization for Online Voting

There is a lot involved in making decisions that will affect organizations. From organizing the people and resources required for a vote to educating them about your upcoming decision, you want to be sure that you’re covering all of the bases needed for a successful outcome.

For example, if you are considering a decision that will impact the future of specific employees within your organization, you may want to take a vote to see how satisfied they would be if it is implemented or if they would prefer another course of action.

Whether you’re new to running an online vote or someone who’s experienced in group decision-making strategies, there are always new and better practices that will make your job a little bit easier.

Prepping Your Organization for Online Voting

Depending on the specific needs of your vote, the implementation can be as simple as sending out an email or as complex as managing an online conference with hundreds of participants.

Measuring and Analyzing Results of a Vote

Assessing election results refers broadly to an activity that independently evaluates the credibility and legitimacy of election or referendum results. These activities include exit polls, election forensics, and other quantitative tools and approaches that can assess election results with greater or lesser degrees of accuracy and reliability.

Ready for Next Steps

There is a lot involved in making decisions that will affect organizations. From organizing the people and resources required for a vote to educating them about your upcoming decision, you want to be sure that you’re covering all of the bases needed for a successful outcome.

Whether you’re new to running an online vote or someone who’s experienced in group decision-making strategies, there are always new and better practices that will make your job a little bit easier.

Download the full eBook for more information.

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