SGA Elections
Student Government Associations are comprised of students who represent the student body, and work closely with faculty to shape the school experience for their peers.
They are responsible for conveying matters large and small to the school board on behalf of the students they represent.
For a quick and fair way to elect your school’s new leaders, try an online voting system
We take a simple yet secure approach to online voting.
Our ballots are easy to build and your students can log in from anywhere using any device to cast their votes. We don’t take your voting events lightly – your data is housed in a secure database where they are fully backed up and available when you need it.
SGA Sample Ballot
See how online voting will make your next student government election easy.
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No matter the size of your school, we have a plan that will accommodate your needs
Depending on how many positions you need to fill, our online voting platform lets you easily create multiple ballots so you can get the results you need sooner. eBallot also lets you:
- Add candidate profiles and a brief bio to the ballot using our candidate profiles.
- Upload all of your eligible voters to the ballot to make it easier to send out reminders.
- Monitor activity throughout the election using our Voter Activity Report, and download a full snapshot of the event once your ballot closes.
Your students can log in from anywhere using any device to cast their votes. We don’t take your voting events lightly – your data is housed in a secure database where they are fully backed up and available when you need it.
Need help with your school's student government election? Let us help.

Have a question? We're here to help.
Contact us to get started.